Esse projeto foi realmente incrível de fazer. Uma homenagem ao clássico jogo do PACMAN. Reconstruí os personagens no meu estilo, brincando com as formas e criando novos designs. Criei uma versão do herói Pacman, os quatro fantasmas principais: Blinky, Pinky, Inky e Clyde. Também refiz o pac-dot, a clássica cherry e o vulnerable ghost, que representa a forma fraca dos fantasmas.

This project was really awesome for me to make. It’s a tribute to the classic game of PACMAN, so I rebuilt the characters according to my own style playing with shapes and creating new designs. 
I’ve created a version of the hero Pacman and the four main ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. I also remade the pac-dot, the classic cherry and the vulnerable ghost, which represents the weakest shape of ghosts.

PAC-MAN | Puck-Man

Character/Personal: Shadow | Nickname: Blinky
Character/Personal: Speedy | Nickname: Pinky

Character/Personal: Bashful | Nickname: Inky
Character/Personal: Pokey | Nickname: Clyde

Vulnerable Ghost: is the form that ghosts take when a Pac-person eats a Power Pallet.

Cherry: 100 points | Pac-dots: 10 points
